"That is right, get the one that fits your BUTT the best. after that, which one does spouse like? after that, it is a freaken grap shoot!
Marty "
Well Marty you are a wise man...a rare commodity these days.
You have hit the nail on the proverbial head, when you advise get one that fit's your butt the best.
I've had many vehicles since 1965...when I first got my driver's license.
Some I've loved...some I've hated. I've had GM's Fords, Volvo, Volkswagen, Toyota....also a varied assemblage of motorcycles.
No mopars though. Don't know why ? I might correct that next time I sign on the dotted line, as there's a lot to like in the mopar line.
But what makes the best vehicle for me.....the one that is most comfortable either for short around town trips or when I've driving across country.
The one that fit my butt and other anatomical parts... the best.
If it isn't comfortable....and if my wife doesn't like it....then it doesn't make the cut.