minnow wrote:
cummins2014 wrote:
While we are at it, why not post the video of Too Tall, and his changing the filter thru the fender well. Its on the same forum you are referencing .
Seen the video; just like most every other oil change video in the 2013+ Ram, he conveniently edits out the reinstallation of the new filter and how one can't see the filter housing and must try to lift and thread the new filter (filled with fresh oil) onto the housing all with just a few fingers on one hand.
Anything on Youtube looks simple when all the complicated stuff is edited out.
He does actually show installing the filter , and IMO it looked harder then when I've done my own.
We can discuss the best way all day , all I know I have changed that filter from above and thru the fender well ,and I will NEVER remove that intake again and change it thru the top.
What's amusing to me is the biggest critics here and on that Cummings forum have never gone thru the fender, but somehow have convinced THEMSELVES that it's not the way to do it.