usmcshepherd wrote:
Cartmancartman....How much sag do you think you have right now? If you have pics I would love to see. Have you been up any mountains in your truck/camper setup yet? I have a tuner on my engine and it flies up mountains and with the suspension work I've had done its solid as a rock...truck is just crazy rough without the camper on it:).
Stufarmer...I'm not really interested in the various features of the 2017 Fords as I am the ride and power stock. The one thing I do like is that Ford is doing carpet deletes now and the high mounted camper camera I can see as being a huge benefit for hooking up. How does your '16 carry your camper and did you have to do anything to suspension?
USC, my camper is in storage, I will post pics in a few days and give some feedback as I havent driven it with the wedges yet.
In regards to the saftey ratings of Ram, I only heard bad things about the 1500 not the bigger trucks, the ratings are on this you tube vid for those interested.
Another benefit of not going with the 450 is the insurance costs. I was considering going with an 4500 Ram and my insurance wouldnt even touch it, saying it was a commercial vehicle. Correct me if im mistaken the new Ram 3500 gives the F450 a run for its capacity/
Finally, you can buy a new fully loaded DRW in the mid 50s all day long, I think the equivalent fords are about 10k more.