My RAM lie-o-meter can be as much as 1 MPG high. Usually around .7 MPG high. Very seldom close to hand calculate. Tow 3200-3500 miles each year in Western States from sea level to up to 6k+. Lots up and downs. Downs never seem to make up for the pulls up. Bombed 2001.5 did better than new 2015, however load is 3.5 to 4K more. Had to drive the tranny and pyro a lot more with the 2001.5, with the 2015 towing is a dream. What other 8500+ vehicle type gets that kind of mileage other than a SRW diesel with tall final ratios, and can tow a 16-17k 5th wheel without breaking a sweat?
Then we did a run from Phoenix to Palm Springs without the trailer driving 75 to 78, some times over 80 with winds and averaged 19+ hand calculated.
Love my 3.42 gears/Aisin tranny.