RobertRyan wrote:
Grit dog wrote:
ShinerBock wrote:
RobertRyan wrote:
This part of the world that sort of mileage is common. Grey Nomads surprise me in what distances they cover
Australian little trucks get that kind of mileage with a total combined weight of 19,400 lbs(8,800 kg) towing through mountains roads that are above 9k ft elevation? I seriously doubt it, especially since Australia does not have roads that high with the highest point in Australia is only 7,300 k.
Not only do Aussie trucks get that kind of mileage, the fuel there is made of unicorn farts, so the emissions are nothing but fairy dust while performing those seemingly impossible tasks!
You seemingly have no idea doubt you have driven far out of your own State Most US RV's travel is a lot less than they do here.
Lol, you must be right??
Go pump some more unicorn farts in your Ute and expel some fairy dust hauling your caravan through the outback....maybe then you’ll lose internet service and not be abke to talk out your arse....