JRscooby wrote:
StirCrazy wrote:
PastorCharlie wrote:
I am not concerned with how far I can go on a gallon of fuel. My concern is how much it cost to get me there.
isnt that one and the same, if you increase the range of a tank of gass it costs you less to get to your destination.
If you can go twice as far on a gallon, but each gallon costs twice as much, fuel costs per mile is the same. The extra money you spend for the engine to use the more expensive fuel is a loss.
But for most people that buy a new pickup every few years to claim to worry about cost to get there is silly, IMHO.
you lost me. why did the fuel jump to twice the price all of a sudden. and why are we talking bout different engines... this is all about the efficiency of these pistons, which realy is a cheep process to do, might add 500 bucks to the cost of building an engine if that..
this whole thread was about highlighting new technology which looks pretty cool and is showing some remarkable results through real world testing. and the post you replied to was just stating if a 25% reduction of fuel usage for the same distance reduces the costs of driving that same distance..
as for the buying new pickups every year, I don't personaly but I am almost done paying my truck off and I can tell you my diesel per month if I only ude the truck is higher than the loan payment, and that was when diesel and gas were the same price, laitly diesel has been 0.15 higher, normaly its 0.10 lower than gas but it seams to cycle up here.. so getting a 25% reduction in fuel uasge would be a huge chunk of change for people who actualy use there truck for more than hauling there camper once or twice a year.