Forum Discussion

Mickeyfan0805's avatar
Feb 15, 2020

3.5 EB Engine Braking?

For those of you with a 3.5 Ecoboost and a 10spd, how do you manage the transmission on long downhill grades? Do you find that the tow/haul mode does enough engine braking on its own, or do you shift to manual and control the gears along the way?
  • I have the 3.5 ecoboost and the 10 spd transmission. I think the engine braking works great. I have no qualms with it whatsoever. Just let the vehicle do its thing. I see no reason to try and be smarter than the computer that is monitoring sevral dozen variables in nano seconds. Just try it
  • :) I, I also have an Ecoboost with a 6 speed trans. I knew when I bought it that it would not have the engine braking that my 5.4L Navigator has. I may be traveling at 65 MPH including up hill. But that 65 MPH starting point will bring you to 70 MPH (automatic) down shift points which are too fast for me going down hill. So as I get near the top of the hill, I will slow my truck down to 60 MPH or a little less. Too fast down hill, on curves, next to big rigs is a common disaster. Also if I get it under 60 MPH I can manually get it to down shift into second gear. Yes it will be screaming but so far has not caused any problems. Going down hill especially too fast can be dangerous and trying to slow things down can over heat the brakes.

    Just a thought; Maybe mounting an air compressor on the engine could give it a bit more engine braking. ( air horns, or air bags, or a tire tank?)
  • I have a 3.5EB with a 6 speed. I don't use tow/haul on downhills for the same reason as Mitch. I don't want my engine running at 5000 rpms either. I downshift and let the engine do what it can and then I slow when necessary byusing my brakes just like he mentioned.
    The EB has great power going up hills but going down hills it is still a 3.5 liter engine and there is only so much motor braking available. Last September I went up and down (of course I went down or I would still be up there) the Beartooth Highway, Hiway 14A in the Bighorns, and Hiway 139 between Rangely and Loma, CO to name a few. Using my (our) technique worked great on these grades.
  • I like tow/haul braking in my current TV and all those I’ve driven. I seek passes and I too have had no issues.
  • I don't have the 10 speed, but I have the 3.5 Eco and 6 speed and I HATE the tow/haul downhill braking.... I don't need or want my truck to rev at 5000 rpms to keep my speed in check, when all I have to do to keep the speed in check for the down grade is just stab the brakes as needed and then let off...

    I will manually downshift my trans to control speed as needed if it's a windy grade and lots of turns.. You aren't going that fast anyway, so to not hit the brakes at all is just not necessary IMO.. You just don't want to RIDE the brakes at anytime..

    What I do is let my speed go up, then stab the brakes and slow down 10 mph or so and then LET OFF the brakes.. Let the speed gain again.. If it's gaining too fast, then sure, down shift.. But, I hate the trans downshifting with every tap of the brakes..

    In the end, just manage your brake time and don't just ride them and you will usually be fine.

    That's what has worked for me over all the years I've been doing this and have NEVER smoked my brakes or had any reason to even worry about it.. I go up and down passes all the time on my travels, so there you go.. :)
