If the breaker that trips is the one at the pedestal, the problem is not on your rig, and the expense of converting all that stuff will be unnecessary.
If the pedestal breaker trips, it is probably because it is worn out and needs to be replaced. Every time a breaker trips, it gets a wee bit weaker. Eventually it will trip at the drop of a hat. If this is the case, besides breaker replacement, a cheap fix is a 50 amp to 30 amp pigtail that’s will enable you to plug in your existing 30 amp cord to the 50 amp circuit.
Your AC draws about 15 amps. If you run a hair drier (5 amps) and a coffee maker (5 more amps) and the microwave (another 7amps) along with every light in the house, it it true you can exceed the 30 amp capacity of your electrical system. In which case, you might find that trading up to a rig already wired for 50 amps is cheaper than rewiring your current one.