nhshep, I agree with you. I don’t understand why there are no HD suvs produced anymore.
Maybe 10-15 years ago when they were going extinct, the oil prices, mfg costs, economy, demand for HD suvs with the popularity and availability of crew cab trucks....may have not been worth it.
But now, with the supply of used HD suvs being very scarce and nowhere near the luxury capability and power levels of new trucks, I believe if just one of the big 3 put out a 8 lug SUV with gas and diesel options, they would absolutely clean house for a while.
Sales would be through the roof for a while, at least until the market was saturated with them or another recession.
Personally, I’d choose a crew cab truck over a suv 11 out of 10 times, but after owning my first suv in 25+ years (if a rusted out 1980 Blazer plow rig counts), last year, I totally see the preference and utility of them.