dtzackus wrote:
We are going to a wine fest and the area we are camping has 50 Amp electric service, our rig takes 30 Amp service. If I purchase an adaptor from 50 Amp (male) to 30 Amp (female), will it be ok? I am not sure if the 20 extra amps will harm anything..
Thanks in advance.
Nothing is going to force those extra amps into your trailer- it will only draw what is being used up to your 30A maximum, limited by the main breaker in your trailer.
Think of that table lamp with a 60w light bulb plugged into a 15A outlet at home. You will only draw 60watts (or a little more than .5amps), it will not use the full 15amps just because it is available.
FWIW (and not trying to confuse you) a 50A service is in fact TWO 50A services at 110 volts each. That adapter you need will only draw from one side of that 50A service.