cummins2014 wrote:
FishOnOne wrote:
Grit dog wrote:
FishOnOne wrote:
blofgren wrote:
Grit dog wrote:
Fordlover wrote:
Grit dog wrote:
They’re still on the road Bedlam. With the value of trucks, even the older ones are worth fixing still vs scrapping.
I love the “I see them all the time so the rumors about them sucking is false” comments.
JV partner in AK on the Slope was still running a bunch of 6.0 Fords in their fleet due to the diesel emissions/ options with other brands etc.
They also had about half as many old pre emissions Duramaxes.
Their shop had most of a wall lined with 6.0 Diesel engines sitting on the floor. Some rebuilt some blown.
I asked how many Duramax engines they had stocked up. The equipment manager laughed and said theyd replaced a few that got dusted or run out of oil or otherwise damaged. But the 6.0s provided their mechanics a lot of paychecks!
And fwiw, the equipment guys up there said they’d have been running Dodge Cummins all along but dodge didn’t offer a CC/LB until 2010.
When I was up there, Ram had just added DeF. Fleets we’re getting switched out to them. That’s how I ended up with a fleet of Rams instead of Powdersmokes.
See OP, I knew it wouldn't take long for someone to come on and tell you how terrible your truck is, and how there is a 0% chance you'll make it past 50K miles without being on your third engine...Oh wait..
Great job working that 6.0 and also maintaining and caring for it. Thanks for reporting your real world experience.
Lol to you and the Fish man!
I’m sure there’s plenty that haven’t been lemon s. But defending them like y’all do is hilarious!
Not saying mr Dodge is the best but the big C is about 1000% better than a 6 leaker.
But I’m sure I’m making this all up because the 6.ohno was sooo awesome they offered it for 5 long years and then dumped it so abruptly that they didn’t even have a diesel to put in the best selling truck on the planet for a year.
Didn't they put the award winning 6.4L in right after dropping the 6.0L? :B
Kind of like the award winning 6.7 cummins with all the emissions problems after dropping the 5.9. :W
The 6.7 cummins was dubbed "The next 6.0".
For about2 days until you delete it. I’m not talking about emissions, they all plugged up dpfs regularly.
The OP was simply reporting the status of his truck and people like you continue to show your true colors for everyone here to see.
You might want to give a little credit to the president ,and vice president of Ram Mafia club, for staying off this thread, I am flabbergasted . Thought for sure we could get to see yet ANOTHER picture of that truck ,and fifth wheel from the president :R
LOL... What we have here is a couple of Mafia volunteers that operate incognito.