Forum Discussion

FireGuard's avatar
Explorer II
Mar 07, 2020

AAA changes RV towing benefits

I’ve had AAA with the RV/Motorcycle coverage for many years and have used a few tows for my cars over the years.
Reading the recent member magazine, they posted an article saying the RV/Motorcycle plan will now be limited to the first $500 per year and a max of $1000 per family.
So, now it looks like a tow for our RVs over $500 will come out of our pockets.
Might be time to look for another plan like Good Sam or something similar.
Anyone use another service that offers better benefits?
  • I was looking into adding RV/Motorcycle to my AAA membership and was told that it is not offered in my area. (Northeast NY)
  • bucky wrote:
    I had a chat with GS yesterday about the 5th wheel plan increase. The standard plan seems to have gone up $10 as well. The 5th wheel plan is now $149.95 and the standard $119.95. I just renewed my original plan at $109.95 and got a letter that they were going to comp me the new rate for one year on our 5th wheel.
    I've also noticed that they are rebranding some CW sales outlets into Gander RV outlets. Curious.
    Was the 149.95 the platinum plan?
  • I think coach net will tow you to your pick of repair shops, they did my daughters rv.
  • I just pulled up the actual coverages and limitations for OR/ID and this has not been implemented. It might be only in the OP's region.

    For states where the limit applies, it should be noted at AAA provider rates are about half of what most retail row rates are. Often even less. AAA rates always apply for member when they exceed their coverage limits. The $500 cap will cover about 200 miles of towing, so for a an RV+ plus member, this would be 2x 100 mile tows. This is important because some smaller providers will default to sending 2 trucks for a truck/trailer combination, while many of the larger providers have the equipment to haul a combination as a unit. So it may be worth it for a member to request a truck if this new limit applies to them or if they will exceed the miles covered in their plan.

    As for other coverage options... It's difficult to compare coverages because most of the other plans advertise "unlimited" towing, but when you get the contract, the "unlimited" miles only cover miles back to the service provider or the nearest preferred repair shop. This is their preferred repair shop, not yours. If you want to be towed in a different direction than the service provider came from, then those plans have coverage limitations as well. This includes GS plans.
  • I had a chat with GS yesterday about the 5th wheel plan increase. The standard plan seems to have gone up $10 as well. The 5th wheel plan is now $149.95 and the standard $119.95. I just renewed my original plan at $109.95 and got a letter that they were going to comp me the new rate for one year on our 5th wheel.
    I've also noticed that they are rebranding some CW sales outlets into Gander RV outlets. Curious.
  • RAS43's avatar
    Explorer III
    Got a notice from G.S. indicating that 5th wheels will not be covered anymore in the standard plan. I will have to move up to one of the Platinum plans which also pertains to motorhomes. Time to shop around.
  • To make a profit they have to make regular choices, raise prices and/or cut benefits. Looks like they chose cutting benefits. Don’t know about the price.