Forum Discussion

BOB_Elwood's avatar
Aug 21, 2013

Antenna won't rotate

Jayco 31 found handle on floor when I opened the door. Replaced it and round rotator wheel screw and spring. Antenna goes up and down but will not rotate with wheel. Not sure how its connected. Any help would be appreciated. Bob
  • Learn something new everyday... Never new they could rotate. I guess I never cared that much. If the reception was bad, it was bad. Wrote it off to the area or weather!
  • The handle is pushed up to far on the shaft.Loosen the set screw and slide the handle down a small amount on the shaft.I had the same thing happen a few weeks ago
  • Thanks I know about pulling it down to disengage. But when I turn it ant doesn't rotate. Wondering how it is attached ?
  • handye9 wrote:
    The spring is for spring loading the wheel. Pull down on wheel and then turn it.

  • The spring is for spring loading the wheel. Pull down on wheel and then turn it.