MM49 wrote:
NC Hauler wrote:
Production didn't start on the 2500's by the time he had stated he purchased the truck. He posted on January 19th that he already had 250 miles on the truck...only the 2013 1500's were out then and some trucks that had been a shows. but as he stated, who cares...That was what some of us were talking about...didn't say he didn't own one NOW, we said he didn't own one THEN....
he's very good at name calling and endearing himself in here, I'm done with him as his name calling has pushed all the wrong buttons...enjoy your new truck.
You don't know when production started. All you are doing is quoting internet gossip. You and JA make a nice couple.
Go to cummins forum, look up 3500RamDually, tell him I sent you, he'll give you all the information that is "etched in stone", he worked for Chrysler 35 years and it's easy to see when the 2500's and 3500's went into production. You need to feel really good because you were the FIRST that anyone knows of that owned a brand new 2013 2500HD Cummins before January 19th..
Have no idea who 'JA" is, but you won't make a lot of friends around here with your name calling. Look on inside of your door jamb, it'll tell when it was manufactured, mine was manufactured April of this year...