Forum Discussion

Sea_Gypsy's avatar
May 05, 2013

Any Hi Lo owners on here?

Just bought one in March. Total newbie here. Also just bought my first truck to tow it with.
  • Robsouth,

    That is a fair price, but I want to warn you about the possibility of rotten walls, which is what we had and have rebuilt one.

    You see the second picture on the left? if you enlarge it, look at the seam in the middle of the wall on the left. I think? it looks bumpy. Ours looked like that and after poking my finger through a bump, then peeling it back ---a couple hrs later we had a wall with black-looking mold inside.

    The weak link on these trailers (well, on all of 'em I guess!) is water leakage through the seam in the roof. Whoever we sell ours to, I have an idea of putting more siding under the already existing seam up there to really make a barrier so water does not get down inside.

    If you feel any soft spots on the walls, or see any stains, you can probably rest assured there's mold in them walls.

    Also the ad says you can tow it up or down. We don't even like to park ours without having some metal supports holding up the entire trailer. The only thing holding it up is some cables. If you have rotten walls, the place where the cables attach can come loose and this could pose a hazard. I would not drive with it up. Also, it's more aerodynamic with it down too....

    Until dh welded up some really cool adjustable supports for ours, he just cut some two by fours and painted them to hold ours up just for safety's sake.

    Also, do you know anyone with asthma? We had a friend with asthma and she was in there for an hour and had an attack due to the mold. LOL, you could send someone with asthma in as a "canary" to test for mold.

    Good luck,

    Mary Kay