Forum Discussion

sgolembiewski09's avatar
Jul 30, 2019

Anyone have any knowledge about Shadow Cruisers?

Hi ya'll... I'm hoping someone might be able to help me...

I am considering trading my 2005 28-foot (livable space) Keystone Cougar 5th wheel for my friend's 2010 Shadow Cruiser (looks like this feet including the toungue). I like the small size of the Shadow Cruiser. ONLY PROBLEM IS: I can't find any reliable pricing information for the Shadow Cruiser, heck, it seems like these things are not very common at all!! I've looked all over Craigslist and a few other websites.

I have two concerns...:

1) It seems likes the Shadow Cruiser is an unpopular trailer, as opposed to my Keystone being a household name in the industry... am I crazy for considering this trade? Will finding people with parts/know-how-to-repair the Shadow Cruiser be extremely difficult?
2) I can easily sell my 5th wheel for $7-7.5K, I just want to make sure that I am making a fair trade with my friend, fair for both him and myself
  • The Shadow might be five years newer but it’s still ten years old and you know of any issues with the Keystone.
  • wanderingbob wrote:
    Six months ago we drove all over Florida looking for one . I believe that year in good shape would be priced 7K to 8K . The one I was looking for had a slide . Never found one but we bought a winnie Mini 20 footer . I got tired of dragging 30 feet of trailer around and only using 20 feet . Smaller sure works for us , we are travelers not campers !

    What about the Shadow Cruiser made you drive all over to find one? This one I'm trading for also has a slide.
  • Six months ago we drove all over Florida looking for one . I believe that year in good shape would be priced 7K to 8K . The one I was looking for had a slide . Never found one but we bought a winnie Mini 20 footer . I got tired of dragging 30 feet of trailer around and only using 20 feet . Smaller sure works for us , we are travelers not campers !