kerry4951 wrote:
But its being revamped right now so you wont be able to go on till the sites back up again. If you own an AF I would suggest joining the group. There is a small yearly fee but I feel its worth it.
Actually Google, Firefox, Apple, etc have all blocked it as a malware site.
I have known Adam (site owner) for nearly 15 years, I also know web-stuff (real actual pro for 20+ years) and wonder between the yearly fee
and selling ads how much Adam is making, note I didn't say how much it costs.
Adam used to just run ads and take in donations.
Personally I think it's time for an enterprising Northwoods RV or Outdoors RV owner to start a Facebook group for these two (related) lines of RVs.
Facebook groups are really where all the action is any more