Forum Discussion

Boatycall's avatar
Sep 08, 2015

Are you REALLY that inconsiderate??

So, this is more of a rant than anything. Wayne, if you need to move it or delete it, I understand.

Went to Packwood, WA for the whole-town flea market. Just me and the TC, no trailer (the one in my sig stayed home). I park in the same property every year, a big grass field set aside 50/50 rvs/cars.

I pull in, it's POURING down rain, but the weather man says it's going to pass. The lot attendant directs me to the next open spot he wants to put me. He escorts me over, I back in, get out of the truck, dash around to open my awning first thing so I have some place dry to stand while I get things set up.

First thing I notice is this 30-ish foot TT next to me running this REALLY noisy generator. It's only 4pm - TV inside the TT is on. It's noisy, but I think to myself, "I can tolerate it, I've heard worse." The guy comes out and says "Ya, we're sure gettin rained on. I need to take the cover off my generator so it doesn't overheat."

It was noisy before he took this cover off! He took the cover off, and I swear, you could hear it echo through the whole camping lot!! Under this home-made insulated wood box was the crappiest gen I've seen - calling it a Harbor Freight Gen would be insulting Harbor Freight.

I packed up immediately and moved to a completely different spot, surrounded by TC's, none ran a gen all weekend.

Then I woke up Sunday, packed up to leave, and SOMEBODY had let their dog **** not only in my spot, but RIGHT ON MY CAMPER-MAT!! And this wasn't a little dog either! Right on my camper-mat.

I love going to the Packwood flea market, and I'll go again next year, but really people?? You need some POS 5KW 10 year old Kmart genny to watch tv, and you'll just let your dog **** on other people's camper-mat??

I step off my soap box....