When I first started looking at TT's and reserching the many ways to do things I was convinced I wanted/needed a macerator to remove the poo, also in my research I decided I wanted/needed a black tank flush built in from the factory BUT I wasnt convinced I needed both, the TT we decided on had the black tank flush so I decided to give it and the stinky slinky a try before I invested in a macerator. It has worked out great, very fast, easy and clean.
I did "upgrade" to a Rhino with a clear elbow attachment to help ease my mind that things were clean.
My process...
#1 release the black tank, drain until in "trickles"
#2 hook the hose to the black tank flush and let it run (i go do other things at this point, put up the grill, put away chairs, etc etc for about 10 minutes) , Usually at this point the tank is running clear
#3 while I'm doing the "other things" I also turn off the hot water heater and tell my wife to turn on the hot water until it runs cool, this "tops off" the grey tank in prep for final flush
#4 I shut the valve on the black tank and let it fill with a little water from the black tank flush and then let it drain, i repeat this a few times, to make sure its clear
#5 I close the the valve on the black tank the final time and let it fill with approximate couple of gallons of water to remain in the tank so it doesnt dry out if anything is left over
#6 I open the grey tank and let it clean out the hose
#7 disconnect the rhino from the TT, "stand it up" over top of the sewer connection to let the last few drops drain out, then I store it away in a construction grade black trash bag
It sounds like a lot but really its a quick process and one I feel like leaves everything clean as I can get it, never had a problem with getting anything on me or the ground, no smells from the hose or bag I store it in, or the compartment the bag is stored in either