I made and awning for a friend with a tarp, duct tape, old extension cord, metal conduit or you can buy expandable tent poles, and some rope.
Buy a tarp with a dimension very close to the length of the channel that the old bag awning would slide into. Cut the seamed edge off and then tape the extension cord along the edge of the cut off seam. Fold that over the extension cord and seal it down, make sure you keep it as tight as you can. Once you get to your site, just before you crank up the PUP, slide the extension cord into the track for the old bag awning. Run the PUP the rest of the way up. Take 2 or 3 tent poles and put 2 in the corners and one in the middle. Use sturdy rope with a loop on end and taught line hitch on the other. (you can learn to tie that on YouTube if you don’t know how) stake the lines in…voila! Awning.
you can see it here.
homemade PUP awning