raychris1 wrote:
The previous owner repaired the fabric but did not replace the hardware that was damaged. The parts that are missing would cost more to replace than buying a new one. So no repairing this one.
I've owned several popups and although we did make use of the bag awning that came with each one I found them generally more trouble than they're worth for any benefit gained and wouldn't spend the $$$ to replace one that had been damaged. These days we use an inexpensive Ozark Trail 10' x 10' canopy like this sold at WalMart here in Canada
and the US.

Here in Canada it sells for $88 Cdn and comes with one attachable fabric wall so I bought 4 inexpensive 8' x 6' white tarps to make up two separate "walls" to enclose the other 3 sides when the weather is particularly cold and/or windy, hanging them from the frame using nylon cable ties. One person can erect it but with two it's a really easy task that takes only a couple of minutes and the result is FAR more stable than any bag awning. Here's a couple of pics of a test setup on our deck ...