One more question for this thread... As you all know, when you have an issue it's easy to get sucked into internet rabbit hole world. While digging around I am also reading some posts from people with similar tire wear issues saying their suspension bushings were totally shot and that once replaced with the heavy duty wet kit it solver their issues. I'm not sure how those bushings would effect tire wear but is this accurate? If so, I just completed this upgrade a month ago or so ago, and my factory nylon bushings were beyond shot. They were basically non-existent. Performing this upgrade was when I noticed how bad the tire wear was. They are now all upgraded with the brass bushings. I wonder if that might help my situation??
Regarding the post about axle bend, I should actually withdraw that until I get a better look on flat and even surface. The way it is sitting right now it is uneven ground and the axle I was referring to wheels are actually sitting lower than the front. I will look closer when I move it to level ground so I am not assuming anything. Thanks!