Sounds like the typical rv guy just bought a new truck. Its the best.
Mountains in Georgia ???
Hell Ive towed commercial trailers in Georgia with the old carb 460/454 gassers pulling 14K-16K GN trailers fully loaded and never saw a actual mountains. A few steep grades but not I would consider moutain grades. Nothing like what I hauled with the same truck/trailers in CO/NM real mountains.
No doubt Fords 7.3 is a great gass tow motor and should be a big hit with many rv folks.
30 min to warm up a diesel ??
And cold in Georgia ??
Hell my old '03 2500 Dodge/Cummins puts heat out on single digit temp mornings the first two miles from my garage. I guess he thinks a frost morning is cold weather. The february storm in 2011 had one morning down to -26 below here that nite and got up to 6 around noon. Ran the starting grid heater twice started right up. Pulled the exhaust brake on and with the high idle had warm air in the cab and engine temp ready to go in 4-5 actual min. Now the NV5600 took a while to shift gears.
His problem was he had the wrong diesel truck for his diesel vs gas analogy and seemed to make assumptions all diesel were like his.
Good vid tho on how the 7.3 gasser handles his small 7600 lb TT.