Cummins12V98 wrote:
When selling a modern diesel you will get your money back as the trucks are much more valuable than the same truck with gasser.
For years this was true. Guy buys a truck with diesel and all the available FREDs to pull his RV a dozen times a year, also gets ego massage daily. A big part of that massage is "My engine will last woofty thousand miles."* But a few years the new models are just so much flashier, so need a new truck. Somebody else knows that truck has lots of life at more reasonable price. But like as teenager I would not by a car with automatic transmission because with a manual you always had warning something was going wrong, and the Powerglide could quit at any time, cost what car was worth to fix, some of the issues with the new diesels can surprise you, and the repair cost could buy functioning truck.
*A engine that last 400,000 miles in a pickup? Now that might make sense for some, but not many. Even if you drive enough miles to wear out the motor before rust kills the truck, the other parts of the truck will be causing enough money and downtime to pay for another truck. Now if the manufactures would sell new truck w/o engine to fit a 10-20 year old engine...