smkettner wrote:
Yes lead-acid prefers to be 100% tip top charged in storage for longest life. Charge 48 hours continuous and then disconnect a cable for best results.
Your converter is probably a WFCO that says 3 stage charging but is notorious for only charging in normal mode 13.6 volts. Basically this is a trickle charge as the 55 amps taper off very quickly. Your battery needs 14.4 to 14.8 volts for a fast charge and minimizing generator time. WFCO is chronically undercharging the battery. I recommend an upgrade or use a 30+ amp portable.
The single 75ah battery is small for off-grid camping. Really need two group 27 or two GC2 for about 220 ah.
Have you considered 200+ watts of solar?
Thanks for the advice, I want to purchase a solar system but have held off due to the cost