I have been reading with interest several of the posts regarding new tow vehicles. I am on the fence about whether to upgrade the TV or update the one I have. I have an existing F150 Ecoboost with t...
To the OP! Towing a 38' 10,000 GVWR TT with any F150 is a bit on the "Your asking for it" side! Heavy TT, light TV, TT has long leverage arm on the TV rear bumper. Personally, I would rather see you run a 10,000# 38' 5th wheel, with Air Bags and E rated tires, FAR more stable. I can't imagine that that is at all relaxing to tow! Yes plenty of power, good brakes, but the #1 issues is handling, and with a F150 pulling a 38' sail a case of the tail wagging the dog.