dadmomh wrote:
If you're at all even basically skilled at sewing, you can get black-out fabric at JoAnn's or one of the larger fabric stores - also check online - and just hem the edges and use Velcro to attach it to the wall. You may not even need to Velcro the entire edge, maybe just some 1" pieces several inches apart. Same thing will work for the door and in the daytime just take it down. Sticky back Velcro is your BFF for damage to the walls, inexpensive and easy to use. If you decide at some point you want to remove it, it comes off pretty easily and any remaining residue is gone with just a bit of Goo Gone. I used it to put up our personal pictures and decorating pieces in our HTT and when time came to sell it, you'd never know anything had been on the walls.
Price-wise, I've never shopped for black-out fabric, but would imagine that black duck cloth would accomplish the same thing or even black fabric-backed vinyl.
That's exactly what my wife did. She used two pieces of Velcro at each upper corner to hold them up. 20 secs to put up and 5 secs to take down. I also painted the inside of our white ceiling vent black.