Forum Discussion

cdru's avatar
Sep 20, 2014

Blowing out water lines mistake ??

Blew out the water lines, opened all the faucets, etc. However, when I closed the inlet and outlet valves on the hot water heater I forgot to open the center valve. Is that going to be a problem, or did all the water get out anyway? Thanks
  • Every RV I have owned since the 70s manual has said either blowing out the lines or antifreeze in the lines works. Of course it has to be done correctly. Neither method works if not done right. In northwest Wyoming I just blow out the lines. I just don't like that yucky stuff in my water lines. If you use antifreeze you are finished for the winter. You can't get that stuff all out until warm wx. Some times I like to use my RV in the winter. I can winterize and de winterize on the road.
  • cdru wrote:
    So, if I open the WH bypass valve, would any water above the valve simply run into the WH? A small amount in the WH shouldn't hurt anything. Everything else, including the cold and hot faucets etc, were blown out properly. Thanks

    if you open the hot out it might go back into the WH but the rest of the line wouldn't drain.
    I'd repeat the procedure and do it right. in Northern Minnesota I would say doing it right would be to also add antifreeze to the system.
  • So, if I open the WH bypass valve, would any water above the valve simply run into the WH? A small amount in the WH shouldn't hurt anything. Everything else, including the cold and hot faucets etc, were blown out properly. Thanks
  • Open the WH bypass valve.....water is trapped in that line just above bypass valve.

    Also when blowing out lines did you get air thru both hot and cold sides of faucets, showers (inside/outside), low point drains and thru toilet and any hand sprayers?
    What about water pump.....all water out of it?

    Black waste tank rinse system?
  • I would be afraid those lines didn't get blown out. Seems like the only ones going through would have been the cold water lines. With wh valves closed, and center valve closed, no where for the water and air to go. I would do it again, with valves in correct positions.
  • Water could easily be trapped in those line since there was no place for it to go.