Forum Discussion

74vette's avatar
Nov 12, 2016

Bolt comming up through floor and carpet

I have a 2007 Komfort travel trailer. On our trip south I noticed a bump in the carpet. The bump has grown to about 3/16" and is pushing the carpet up. It feels like a bolt head. It is located center left and right and just behind the rear axel. I hate to cut carpet to find out what it is and the tank is in the way of seeing anything from under under the trailer. Any ideas or thoughts on this issue?

Thanks in advance
  • Thanks for the information. Might go ahead and cut the carpet tomorrow. Worse case is that I am closer to laminate flooring.
  • I too, have a 2007 Komfort. Same problem, same area, only mine cane thru linoleum. Now have bolt head as decoration. It is infact a cap screw as we tried to tighten and get it below the surface of the sub floor to no avail. Cover it with a rug and go RVing..
  • Can you borrow or rent an inspection camera with a long flexible shaft? It may be easier. Then you can decide if dropping the tank is necessary.

    But, you may end up dropping the tank anyway to do the repairs. So maybe you should just do it.

    Maybe someone will post a better idea.

    Keep us updated on your findings.
  • It seems to me to be the head of a carriage bolt. Tried to pound down but won't budge. No water damage or soft wood. I may try to drop the tank a little to see more.
  • Does the bump go down when you push on it? Maybe the nut fell off and it's just pushing up.
    And, maybe, the OSB under the carpet got wet and is swelling. Is any of the floor spongy or soft?

    Can you pull the carpet up from along the wall and roll it back enough to see the bump? It would be a little more work but you would avoid cutting the carpet.