Mar 13, 2016Explorer
Bullet premier 31bhr 2012.
Anyone have experience with one or know about the quality? Our old trailer( in sig) got major water damage and more than worth to repair. Luckily found roof damage insurance paid out to even out our loss of the trailer. We sold it cheap just to dispose of it. Trusted the repair guy completely as he is a good family friend of a woman I work with whose son works for him too. He had a couple with a blow out come by and he fixed their bullet and now they want to sell. He offered it to us. Looks like we could offer the couple $15k cash. They are asking $17,500.Does that seem Good or worth it? Feeling stung on the old one as likely the damage came mostly from original shoddy sealing. Much of the damage was unseeable until he dug into the wall and floor. He has gone over this one and said is sound. Thanks.