Highway 4x4 wrote:
"Buy a diesel for the greater torque and the exhaust brake capability but don't but one for greater reliability".
Yep, that's a Ford. OK, really Fords are a fine truck and I am sure there are many more on the road than in the repair shop at any given time.
...Shamefully true...except for the more torque and a better exhaust brake...Because I was addicted to the Blue KoolAid back when the Ford 6.7 was introduced, I sadly endured the endless string of "magazine tests" that almost unanimously showed the GM DuraMax as the "King of the Hill"...
Now...and then...reality still is that they were close enough in performance that it came down to what one liked when purchase time arrived...but...that was before the 6.7 Ford began to have some "issues"...expensive issues...issues not covered under warranty...