" Don't overthink this whole thing too much. I'd go with your current equipment selection - wire in parallel (more on you wiring below) and enjoy your solar. ”
I've done a lot of over thinking on this for the last year or so (since we purchased the TC). The size of the initial system is set though I may go with 2 of the 120w panels from solarblvd instead, haven't seen anything bad about them yet. I think I'm going to move to the Morningstar TriStar TS-MPPT-45 Charge Controller, matching meter and battery temperature sensor . I think hooking in series is better in my application due to the smaller wiring, I'm less concerned about voltage drop than higher amps. I'm a Auto Tech by trade and I've seen what high amps can do to small wires.
I do appreciate all of the comments and advice, I have looked at so much solar information over the last year or so my brain is numb. All the information is running together and I can't remember what info went with what component lol