Forum Discussion

Wyo350's avatar
Oct 15, 2016

Camper covers

Looking for input here on what you folks have used. Problems,concerns,ideas,brands.
Here we get a lot of snow that will sit most of the winter,I trust my roof but why take chances. Have used the plastic tarps and am not a fan.Thought I would spend some money and hopefully get something that will do a better job.
  • I just ordered this same cover (Classic Access.) from Amazon. I will report after the first fitting and at the end of the season. We are already getting snow here in SE Idaho Highlands. Looks like an early winter -- hope it's not a brutal one.
  • I got this one from Amazon a few months ago. I'm impressed with the quality, and so far it seems to be waterproof. I had an Addco for my toyhauler and the material on this one is far better. Very reasonably priced IMO.
  • For previous posts on this subject search this Forum for `rv cover' and read on. To minimize the responses search only in Truck Campers.
  • The Calmark cover is not waterproof (somewhat repellent Subrella fabric), but much more durable than the ADCO and similar. Costs significantly more too, but becomes cost effective after your 3rd or 4th ADCO falls to pieces. It's pretty heavy to put on and take off though, makes a carport structure look attractive after a few cycles.
  • I have a cover for my TC the only problem is if you live in a windy place. I am planning on putting the cover on December 1 and taking it off march 1. Hopefully this will miss some of the windy days.
  • Specific camper covers are expensive and, in my opinion, are not well made enough to justify the cost. May I suggest a thick tarp. I did this with great success for many years prior to my metal canopy. A few tricks I have learned are to use a pair of 2x2's with dowels on the ends to pull the tarp up and over the RV. Makes lifting over vents, AC much earier and keeps us off the ladder. Also hand milk jugs partly filled with water off the bottom of the tarp to minimize wind flap. Hand and use bungee cords where possible and fold the corners Worked well for us
  • Most covers aren't waterproof. Calmark Covers are probably the best.
  • Wyo350 wrote:
    Looking for input here on what you folks have used. Problems,concerns,ideas,brands.
    Here we get a lot of snow that will sit most of the winter,I trust my roof but why take chances. Have used the plastic tarps and am not a fan.Thought I would spend some money and hopefully get something that will do a better job.

    If I let my camper sit for the winter I would use a good breathable cover with a small tarp over the roof only, secure it very good. Spring time I would take it off till fall. Covers are a PITA to put on and off, IMO.