Forum Discussion

Bevteacher4's avatar
May 30, 2019

Camping in Minnesota

Hello All!
It has been awhile since I have posted, but have a couple of trips in mind and would like some advice!
How bad will mosquitoes be in Minnesota in August and September?
And planning a trip out to Badlands National Park and Devils Tower. Any advice on finding gas stations? Or anything else needed?
I am a widow and travel by myself and this would be the farthest I have gone alone.

And for any of those that helped me before, Thank you! My trips out to Allegheny, Niagara Falls, and to UP of Michigan were all successful!

  • Addy15 wrote:
    Mosquito problems in Minnesota kind of depend on the weather. If we have a very dry summer, by August they might not be so bad. And if nights get cool enough in September, mosquitoes could be virtually non-existent by then, especially up north. If we have a wet summer though (which so far it's kind of looking like that's going to be the case), mosquitoes will probably be a problem. If you are in the woods near water, mosquitoes are going to be an issue. Just be prepared.

    If you are looking for a relatively mosquito-free experience, I would recommend the far southeast part of Minnesota. In particular, around the Whitewater State Park area near Rochester. The website for that park in particular lists the "noticeable lack of mosquitoes" as one of its highlights! It is said that the trout streams in the area are cold enough that mosquitoes have a hard time breeding.

    Yup, and I have found that mosquitoes are the worst around sunset. If you plan to be inside around that time you can avoid; some; of them. I often go for drive around sunset, or go to a event indoors somewhere.
  • Mosquito problems in Minnesota kind of depend on the weather. If we have a very dry summer, by August they might not be so bad. And if nights get cool enough in September, mosquitoes could be virtually non-existent by then, especially up north. If we have a wet summer though (which so far it's kind of looking like that's going to be the case), mosquitoes will probably be a problem. If you are in the woods near water, mosquitoes are going to be an issue. Just be prepared.

    If you are looking for a relatively mosquito-free experience, I would recommend the far southeast part of Minnesota. In particular, around the Whitewater State Park area near Rochester. The website for that park in particular lists the "noticeable lack of mosquitoes" as one of its highlights! It is said that the trout streams in the area are cold enough that mosquitoes have a hard time breeding.
  • How did those monster, Alaskan-variety mosquitos get so far south? ;)
  • the skeeters here in Mn,especially near water,get so big they make whoopie to geese and the geese seem to like it lol

    get yourself some therma cells and you will be fine
  • Mosquitoes are always around near water in MN. By late August that are not so bad. By mid spetember they are not that much of a problem.

    In rural states like SD and WY keep your gas tank more than half full and you will be fine.
  • The State bird in Minnesota (the mosquito) can be very proliferate depending on your location. If you are near their breeding grounds, you can expect to be kidnapped and carried away by them. If you are not near their breeding grounds, you will have few problems. Choose your stops carefully or let someone know where to look for the bled out carcass.
  • For gas stations, are you aware of It show general location and prices on a map, if you zoom in close enough.

    I recommend spending time along the Lake Superior shore north of Duluth. Nice state parks with rivers, falls, and scenery. Stop at Palisade Head for a great view of the lake from high above.

    Not sure about the skeeters, I have not been there later than early August. They did not seem too bad then along the lake.