Some info to those who do not understand the laws, zoning regulations, and enforcement, etc --- Ace! actually posted a very common excerpt from normal zoning regulations in the USA. An un-licensed truck camper is actually classified as "cargo" carried by a vehicle. In some states, even a licensed TC is classified as "cargo" since it is not movable on a road without being on something with wheels under it. Argue all you want but that's the laws and statutes.
Please refer to or call your vehicle insurance carrier and most will find their truck topper/cap or a TC is only insured when it's on the insured truck as so many have found out the hard way. That's because it's insured by a rider clause on the vehicle's insurance policy which shares major coverage aspects at a very low premium cost that's allowed in most states. Some states do allow a totally separate insurance policy on the truck camper alone but the premium costs are very high like insuring something like a boat or a towable RV. A stand alone policy!
We've have at least one TC owned and insured for 51 years now as we love'em and always as a rider on our truck policy. Why? Our premium for this year is $35 per 6 months with $100 deductible with full TC loss coverage up to the present TC's market value, $2000 coverage for personal contents, and $1000 for trip interuption coverage. Medical and liability is covered by the truck's policy when the TC is on the truck. It's cargo!
Per our insurance agent in Feb of this year, for the same coverage on a stand alone policy on our TC, we were quoted $184 per each 6 months. Almost $150 more each 6 months.
languiduck, please make my day and bring your TC here and take it off your truck in a CG so I can watch you either get kicked out or quickly put it back on or if the police become involved, watch you get a nice fat fine and still put it back on and leave! I can assure you that you wouldn't be the first! Recreational Vehicle (RV) has wheels or it's not a "Vehicle" but rather just a box structure setting on the ground! Bet your zoning where you live won't allow you to live in an 8' wide X 8' high X 15' long storage shed even on your own property with having a toilet, a bed, and a place to prepare food. Just what a TC becomes when off the truck. There are laws whether you like it or not!
FYI, I'd served on the board of directors of a large 2 RV resorts complex (not our family owned ones) for 9 years and know the rules and written laws in our state. A little added as many on this forum know is that our family still owns 6 RV CG's in the deep SE USA and they DO NOT allow TC's to be taken off the truck either on their property nor do any of the other CG's allow it either in their areas. Sorry, I can't help it if you are inept at researching but so many on this and other forums actually know and acknowledge the laws and regulations on not taking their TC off in a CG etc where prohibited. Been many threads posted about this.