BigSwick wrote:
wvabeer wrote:
I have a cassette in my TC. I think it is the berries, no sewer slinky to deal with and it has its own flush water. I'll never have a black water tank again.
So would a setup like this not have any grey tank? And if it does, how is it drained?
Set ups like this are common in pop ups, so no grey water holding tank. You take a waste tote with you and fill that. You learn to conserve water and use the confert stations if you have no hook ups. The cassett is like a bigger portable toilet with its own tank. There really good as people stated. Of you have hook ups, you run an adapter hose to the sewer line and make sure you put a bend in it for a trap. If you have a shower, they are usally on opposite sides and each has a seprate hook up. So you join them, or move the original line. Most dont use the showers.