If you have regular access to a dump station, the traditional black water holding tank makes a lot of sense. If you are judicious with water usage, the larger volume should result in longer times between dumps and less handling of the sewage.
If you don't have regular access to dump stations, I would move to a composting toilet. We had one on our boat and the solids container was good for around a month. The liquids had to be dumped every 2-3 days but you could dump it in any toilet (pit toilet, standard toilet, etc...). Plus if you are out in remote areas, #1 would typically be behind a convenient tree/bush, so the liquids container might be good for a week or more just used for nighttime trips. Far easier to carry a 2 gallon liquid container with no solids vs cassette. If you are truly in a remote area digging a small hole and dumping/burying the liquid is very much viable. It requires no water source. Probably the biggest advantage is there is zero sewer smell.
We've used a cassette a few times on rental units and the limited storage and smell made it less desirable.