Forum Discussion

diver110's avatar
Oct 09, 2013

Center of Gravity

Because CA often does not let you remove the camper from the truck and I like to go into nature, I thought I needed to look into a pop-up. But then I noticed that some hardsides have the same or similar center of gravities as pop-ups. Not all manufacturers list this, but some Lances have the same COG as a Hallmark I am looking at (36 inches), and others Lances are only slightly higher (38 inches). Am I correct that COG is THE issue with regard to tipping over. I plan to spend some time on forest-type roads that are often well short of horizontal (but nothing crazy). Also, how big a deal is a 2 inch difference in COG? I know another issue is height and staying under trees, but I don't think this will be an issue for where I want to go, and I would definitely prefer the extra room of a hardtop. Thanks.
  • Am I correct that COG is THE issue with regard to tipping over

    No, it is primarily relevant to where the weight of the camper is positioned in relation to the back axle of your truck and how the weight is distributed over your truck's frame.
  • It means nothing for tipping over. COG has to do with loading on the truck.