GeoBoy wrote:
I cannot understand why a person would spend the money for a truck, modifications to the truck, a TC and then park it on a residential street because it was CONVENIENT and saved THEM money!
When I am invited to visit distant friends or family, l either stay at a campground or if there are no convenient or nice campgrounds I get a hotel room.
Why someone would get an RV so they can break laws/ordinance and inconvenience others is beyond me.
What is to not understand? We camp all the time but sometimes, when visiting family you want to be close. Specially when they are elderly (I am 53 so you can guess my parents aren't young).
In this case we wanted to be close and spend as much time as possible with them for the short time we were there and they had other company. We were not expected either.
On a previous trip we stayed at Lake Selmac and drove back and forth. Just depends on what we are doing.
Finally, we broke no laws as evidenced by the police stating so. We were left alone after the initial visit which they said was wrong.
What part of that is so hard for all of those who don't like this thread to understand?