Appreciated. For some of us it might not be too late. Avid paddlers do not let any little undulating road surface get in the way of the shove off point. It's just the means to their beginning. However, I've never been too strict with road classifications as there is so much variation. One road might have 100 feet of class IV and another 59 miles of all class II. Plus, Other routes I've been on defy classification. Before it was declared off-limits to vehicles, Surprise Cyn in Death Valley used to be 70% winching, almost straight up (and back down) for miles and miles. There were holes drilled in the rock with old axle shafts as winching points. it's the twisting of axles that increases the class rating for truck campers, not the steepness of grade or size of any obstacles or surface texture. So, the type of vehicle plays an important part in classifying roads and routes. Some are great for sand rails, but bad for motorcycles. Some are easy as pie for motorcycles but terrible for quads or anything wider.