You are going to love this... I have all of the doc's and will post them later
We are all sort of correct... the manufacturers changed their methods... Lance between my order and recieving the camper
They had to furnish a consumer information document to new buyers (for insurance, lic plates, registratiom, loans, etc)
I special ordered our lance 1161 in 2002... it was delivered in Nov of 2002. (N150817 and registered as a 2003
The 2002 published COG was 43" in the buyers guide
I actually recieved a 2003 model.
the published COG for 2003 was 52" in the 2003 buyers guide
In the specific document for my individual 1161 the center of gravity is given two ways
55" from the front of the campers bulk head
41" from the point that contacts the rear end of the bed
On this camper the recommended center of gravity is in front of the rear axel... by about 6" or so.
the camper is 11'11"... 19'11" overall.
the weight dry was 3495 pounds