Forum Discussion

More2Explore's avatar
Nov 19, 2013

Coleman Mach 8 Cub

Saw several discussions related to the Polar Cub and it's replacement the Coleman Mach 8 Cub. The part number is 47201A876. Mine is installed on a 2014 Wolf Creek 850.

Tested the A/C unit with my Honda 2000 and it seems to work just fine even on the highest A/C setting. Looking forward to "field testing" next summer!!! :B

Thought I'd post some photos to show the lower profile (8.25") and the smaller fan:

  • Rickj91 wrote:
    Nice unit. I also have a Wolf Creek 850 (2013). Was the Coleman A/C, dealer installed or factory installed?

    It was dealer installed. The factory unit is a large high profile 11000 BTU or 13000 BTU unit that they probably get a volume discount on since that is used on their TT, 5ers, and Toy haulers.
  • I would think the fan on top is how they get such a low profile. It would be cool if they incorporated a sliding door to cover it when not in use.
  • Interesting that they put the fan on top of the unit. I would think it better to put it on the rear of the unit instead, to reduce the amount of rain and leaves/debris that can get into the unit.
  • Nice unit. I also have a Wolf Creek 850 (2013). Was the Coleman A/C, dealer installed or factory installed?
  • Curious to know what else you could run with it. Obviously not the microwave but things like a tv and such.