Forum Discussion

Apr 06, 2016

Concern with my 6.4 Ford diesel.

On my way home from south Texas, currently in Ruidoso NM. While in Texas, I noticed my 6.4 diesel has started to puke coolant from the fill resivoir. I'm towing a 16k 5th wheel. I thought maybe the radiator cap needed replacing, so I picked one up at a local Ford garage. While talking with a service person, he said that if it keeps puking coolant he would suggest I have it diagnosed at a Ford garage. He said there may be other issues going on that could damage the motor. Needless to say, that did not make my day. I'm currently around 400 miles from home and my local Ford garage. So far, no warning lights and all gauges showing normal. Any suggestions on what might be going on? Would I be at a huge risk if I continued all the way home? After towing 130 miles today, I noticed it's still puking coolant after I installed a new cap.

Thanks for your advise.
  • are you looking at the oil level too ,,, ps how many miles on your truck...