Forum Discussion

Mikesr's avatar
Jul 14, 2016

Condensation on outside of windows

Have had several TT's over the past 20 years. I understand the condensation problem on the inside of the windows when the heat is running and it's cold outside.
My question is about condensation on the outside that forms when it's extremely humid.
Our 2016 Jayco Jayflight 34RSBS has the thermal package which I assume makes it more efficient for both heating and cooling. We also have the super dark tinted windows. The TT has the larger 15K BTU A/C also.
The condensation appears overnight and not during the daytime. We are in a mostly shaded area at a seasonal site in Delware.
I understand the physics of condensation that forms on glass when separated by humid and cold. Similar to a glass of water on a picnic table on a humid day.
Has anyone ever had the condensation on outside of a TT window like I've described?
This condensation does not work its way to the inside of the window and created no problems it's just we can not see outside until it either evaporates or I wipe them off.
Thanks for any input or suggestions,
  • I have it all the time. Probably because I keep the thermostat on 66 and where we live and camp the dew point is usually in the mid 70s and 80s. Dew point is a function of relative humidity. Get below it and you'll have condensation on the humid side. Never been a problem for me but I do have it a lot. Come down south and you'll have it too. Dew point in Nashville right now is 71.
  • Turn up the temp on your air conditioner. You've hit a dew point situation where the windows are cold enough to cause the condensation. Change the window temp overnight and the moisture formation will go away.
  • While my TT doesn't have the greatest windows or the experiences that you're having I do have a quality sliding patio door in my SB that from the inside has a fairly constant temp but like you on hot very humid nights the outside glass becomes covered with condensate.