Forum Discussion

rjus's avatar
Aug 11, 2016

Convenience center panel question.

I have Dutchman Denali travel trailer. 2016 36'. The convenience panel has a light on it that is labeled DSI-FLT. I got up today to find this light on. My owners manual doesn't say what this light means. I ran out of propane yesterday and assume it is related, but don't know what to do to get it to reset. I had my water heater operating on gas when it ran out. Any info is appreciated.Thank You. Rjus.
  • When my propane has been off for a while or run out, I run the stove until it will light. That seems to clear most of the air out and might make it easier to restart your WH.
  • CEKKK has the definition correce. Just showing your water heater is not on. If you refilled your propane then there is a little air in the line and it may take two or three tries to get it to stay lit.
  • DSI refers to direct spark ignition on the water heater. I'm not sure but I think flt is fault.