Forum Discussion

Gaffer222's avatar
Apr 18, 2014

CORRECT TRACK alignment system

Looking at pictures online of the Keystone Outback Terrain 250TRS tonight and noticed the newest ones have a sticker over the wheel well for the CORRECT TRACK alignment system. The picture below is one built on 3-31-14 per the VIN placard. I have one on order and wondering if this a new addition or they just didn't have the stickers on before. Anyone know anything about the CORRECT TRACK?


  • I installed it on my TT 2 years ago...turns out my alignment was pretty close to dead on, but I wanted the increased 2" height that it provides so I could fit LT tires. The Correct Track is designed to allow for alignment mostly for trailers that had the spring hangers incorrectly located from the factory. The axle movement is only possible in 1/4" increments, in my case I was 1/8" out, so adjusting it would have just kept it 1/8" out in the other direction.

    Theoretically you could align based on loading, but given how hard it is to get accurate measurements on the alignment, it's not something you would want to do every time you packed the TT.

    I know Lippert bought Correct Track and they are pushing it in the OEM market now. There is an OEM version and also the consumer bolt-on conversion that is described in the TL link above. It's worked well for me!
  • Heartland started installing Correct Track on all of their trailers about two years ago. It allows one to move the axle forward or back to keep it in alignment based on uneven loading. Weight differences from one side to the other causes the springs flatten differently causing the wheels to move forward or back.