If I pull hard up a long grade my EGT's will reach 1,150* as soon as I reach the top within a few seconds it is back to normal, 700* or there abouts.
In all my years running turbo diesel engines I have never seen it take longer than 10 seconds to come down from even 2,000* on a pulling truck.
1-2 minutes will be plenty to cool off the turbo shaft, the manual is way way overkill on time just to protect the company.
the reason behind the cooldown is If you have been running at wide open throttle maxing out the EGT's in the upper 1,800* range and you let off and shut off the truck the shaft is so hot it can sag, but like I said in the blink of an eye upon slow down the temp drops 7-900*.
Also not to scorch the oil that is pumped into the shaft bearings.