I'm with Burningman all the way. 65K is a lot of out west Elk hunts for me.
At my age, I never want another payment book, period.
When my wife and I need a vehicle now, we pay cash.
Heck, my farm cost less than 65K and it's paid for too.
I have this 'slush' fund that has a couple hundred grand in it, just for fun things, but not vehicles and not RV's either. It's my hobby money.
The 97 is my last truck I'll buy unless of course some a'hole runs into me and totals it. I carry actual value insurance on it, what it's actually worth, not what a mickey mouse insurance says the 'book value' is. I have it insured for 20 grand and I up it a couple grand every year for 'appreciated value'.
OBS Ford trucks, especially 7.3's in 4 wheel drive of the 1 ton variety are in great demand because they don't have all the emissions **** on them. Just like the old Mopars with the real Cummins diesel, not the watered down emissions loaded stuff they build today.
Thinking about it, I should sell of the motorcycles I have. 3 is just too many, but again, no payment books involved.
I like being debt free and I like paying cash for what I want. Cash is still king.