No, what you have is..'Pay to play'. It breaks and you pay... Pretty simple I'd say.
If you think with these new compliant diesels (pickup trucks included) that if they throw a code or derate that some grease monkey is gonna wrench on it, you are living a fantasy. Everything is done today via data links and the only thing the 'grease monkey' does is the physical parts replacement and only after the software tells him what to replace.
This emissions stuff is all well and good while it's under warranty but look out when it's not, hence, the value of an emisiions compliant late model Tier 4 diesel will plummet like a brick when the warranty has expired and the cost is borne by the owner...entirely.
The obvious answer is of course keep trading up every few years but when doing that you really loose your butt but, it's the only viable alternative other than stuffing a piggy bank for down the road failed component cost.
In our business, I've seen a quick 30 grand dropped on out of warranty emissions components. On a big truck, just the stainless steel 'one box' is 12 grand bare (no components inside). Your diesel pickup has a 'one box' as well, only smaller. It contains the SCR unit.
I'm not playing that game myself.