Howes Diesel Treat Anti-gel, Hot Shot Secret Anti-Gel are the 2 I use here in CNY even tho the fuel is treated at place of purchase. I don't take any chances. In case you do gel up, 911 or Melt Down. Never have use the Melt Down, but that's what our shop gave us too use along w/ Diesel Thaw as a Anti-Gel (never used that one either). What ever brand you go with, watch your ratios.
One thing to remember as well is that if a gel up product is used, it may not get to the filter where it's actually gelled up, so you'll end up having to replace the filter(s). So some would say "What's the sense in using it then?" which is true, but it will treat any fuel in tank to prevent it from gelling up in filter(s). Again, watch your ratios.